William Herrod-Hempsall, Bee-Keeping new and old: described with pen and camera (London: The British Bee Journal, 1930)
Solo Show at M.1 – Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung
On Saturday 7th September 2024, the solo exhibition APIAN – A Ministry of Bees opened at M.1 – Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung in Hohenlockstedt, Germany. The afternoon began with a tour by Aladin Borioli and the curator and co-director, Katja Schroeder, followed by drinks in the garden.
Apian’s most recent area of research focuses on a specific historical form of beehive – the Bannkorb. These beehives were mainly used in Northern Germany between the 16th and 19th centuries and are characterized by the use of a wooden mask to ward off the evil eyes. In the exhibition, photographic documentation of this specific Northern German customary culture is shown alongside a small selection of original beehives. It also brings together videos, wall-sized collages and documents from the research archive.
By linking modern scientific knowledge with cultural history and traditional culture, the exhibition imagines a sustainable relationship between humans and bees in the future.
Thanks to the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, which supported the documentation of the Bannkörbe through the C/O Berlin Talent Award. With additional generous support from the Pro Helvetia and Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG.
APIAN – A Ministry of Bees runs from 7th September – 1st December 2024.
M.1 is open on Saturday and Sunday, 2 – 6pm.
Opening: Saturday 7th September, from 2 pm.
For more information and directions, please visit M.1’s website.