William Herrod-Hempsall, Bee-Keeping new and old: described with pen and camera (London: The British Bee Journal, 1930)
Residency at the HWK, Delmenhorst (Germany) – 2022-23
Last night, Apian moved its main bureau at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) in Delmenhorst (Germany) for a five-month residency. Until March 2023, thereby, it will be based at the HWK and move around the north of Germany. There we will continue working on Apian, focusing on a film project which is developed in collaboration with Ellen Lapper, Laurent Güdel and Robert Torche. This film project broadly tackles questions of dreams, becoming animals, and undertakes an archaeology of technologies key for understanding bees’ Umwelt. If you are around and want to talk about shared sensibilities do not hesitate to reach out!
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Here some pictures of the residency site. [ID: The first one shows the entrance of the building which is surrounded by green and is a white concrete architecture with a lot of windows that are visible on the left side of the picture. The second one is taken in one of the corridors that leads to the apartment. On the right side, you see the glass side and some white rounded columns. The last one is taken within the apartment; one can see at the centre a large window showing the garden and a comfy sofa facing it.]
“The Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) is a non-profit foundation of the states of Bremen and Lower Saxony and the city of Delmenhorst. As an independent Institute for Advanced Study, it promotes excellent science through fellowships for scientists, artists and authors from all over the world, as well as through scientific events. To this end, it cooperates with the universities of Bremen and Oldenburg and other scientific institutions in the northwest region.”
Fore more visit their website: https://hanse-ias.de/en/